Journey of taste: Desi ghee full of qualities keeps the body fit, its history is linked to religion and Ayurveda

Journey of taste: Desi ghee full of qualities keeps the body fit, its history is linked to religion and Ayurveda


In Sanatan Dharma, the use of desi ghee has special importance in religious works.
Even in Ayurveda, desi ghee has been said to be very beneficial.

Swad Ka Safarnama: The relation of the people of India with Ghee (Desi) is like that of body and soul. In the modern era, doctors tell us to avoid ghee for some ‘reasons’, yet it is ingrained in our body and mind. The real taste and satisfaction of the soul is available in the food only when it is made of ghee or has the tadka of desi ghee in it. Ghee is not being praised for thousands of years just like that. Apart from the body, it also keeps the heart and mind healthy. The special thing is that apart from the glory of ghee in the religious rituals of India, Ayurveda has also considered it valuable. Cow’s ghee is considered best. If ghee is old then its properties increase further.

That’s why ghee was ‘invented’

What is Ghee (Clarified Butter)? Actually it is the thickened component of milk itself. Due to the humid and hot climate in India, the taste of butter made from ghee becomes rancid or foul, or it is not even edible. The special thing is that ghee is not prevalent in cold countries, there only butter made from milk is being used for thousands of years. But in India and South Asian countries, apart from butter, ghee is used a lot.

Yellow ghee made from cow’s milk is considered best. image-canva

Actually, when the butter made from milk is cooked properly, the buttermilk parts get burnt and the oily substance that remains is called ghee. This ghee is considered to be the best among all the oily and greasy substances in the world, the reason for this is that even after cooking a lot, instead of decreasing its properties, it increases and it can be used for food for years. . In India, old ghee has a different glory, apart from this, yellow ghee made from cow’s milk is considered the best. The reason for this is that in this ghee, the percentage of fat or fat which harms the body is very less.

Ghee is also associated with religion and culture

Before discussing the nutritional properties of ghee, let’s talk about its religious aspect. Ghee (ghee) is praised or explained in the religious texts of India, it would probably be about any other food item. In fact, Ghee has been described as the favorite food item of Gods/Gods. Ghee is described in some form or the other in all the four Vedas, Puranas and other religious texts. In fact, in Indian life and culture, from life to death, ghee is associated in some form or the other.

Ghee was an essential part of Vedic worship, Havan or fire rituals etc. religious functions in very ancient era. Ghee is also an ingredient in the Panchamrit offered to God. Ghee is definitely used in the Prasad made for God or in the Prasad made in religious places. The ripe and raw food that is talked about in India is also associated with ghee. Sure food means all food made from pure ghee. In the end… When cremation is done after death, this ghee ‘merges’ the dead body into the five elements.

History or discovery of Ghee is not a matter of debate

The history or discovery of ghee is not a matter of debate. The simple thing is that milk being used for thousands of years is related to ghee, so the history of ghee is as old as that. The history of ghee cannot be tied to any ancient decade or century. The entire Treta Yug of Lord Krishna is full of milk, ghee and butter. In Indian scriptures and literature, when a good or auspicious work is done, the quote of ‘lighting lamps of ghee’ is also inspired by this desi ghee only. In fact, this ghee has been a staple food of the Indian subcontinent for thousands of years.

Indian Ghee

Ghee has been described as a useful diet for long life and staying healthy. Image-Canva

India has a tradition of diet in the form of wheat, rice and ghee since ancient times. Apart from India, ghee is also used in Pakistan, Bangladesh, parts of South East Asia and the Middle East. Ghee is also being used in some form or the other in some parts of East Africa. That is, ghee has become an essential element of diet in hot or humid areas. The special thing is that ghee is praised in the ancient literary works of India, especially in Sanskrit literature and it has been described as a useful diet for long life and staying healthy.

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Hundreds of types of power in Ghee: ‘Charak Samhita’

We have already told that ghee is very beneficial for our heart, mind and body. The reason for this is that our body needs enough fat, provided that fat is beneficial for the body, then ghee comes in the same category. Talking about nutrients, according to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), one teaspoon (about 15 grams) of ghee contains 130 calories, 15 grams of fat, and vitamins A, E and K. Ayurveda has also considered ghee to be extremely useful for the body.

Indian Ghee

Consumption of ghee is good for both physical and mental health. Image-Canva

The Indian Ayurvedic text ‘Charaksamhita’, written about three thousand years ago, has given detailed information about ghee and also told separately about old ghee. According to the book, ghee (ghritam) increases memory, intelligence, jathragni (appetite), semen, ojas. Apart from this, it destroys vata, pitta, poison, mania, chronic fever. It is best in smooth substances. It is cool. According to the book, ghee has thousands of types of power. The book has described old ghee as very effective and has given information that ten years old ghee is called Puran Ghrita, more than ten years old ghee is called Prapuran ghee, 100 to 111 years old ghee is called Kumbhasarpi and even more ancient ghee is called Mahaghrita.

Which type of ghee should be avoided?

Indian Herbs. Renowned Ayurveda expert Acharya Balkishan, who has done extensive research on fruits and vegetables, says that consumption of ghee is good for both physical and mental health. Cow’s ghee is considered the best among all types of ghee. Ghee is heavy, greasy and cold semen. It is a good rasayana for increasing intelligence, memory, strength, Venus, luster and tone. Ghee gives strength to the heart. It is also considered very beneficial for the elderly. The smell of old ghee is very intense, yet it is beneficial in epilepsy, unconsciousness, malaria and diseases related to head, ear, eye and vagina. He also says that ghee kept in a bronze vessel for ten days or more should not be eaten as it becomes poisonous. Similarly, if any kind of bad smell is coming from ghee, then do not consume that ghee.

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Ghee is effective for heart system

On the other hand, according to food expert and nutrition consultant Nilanjana Singh, if a person continues to do regular physical work, then ghee is like nectar. It provides instant energy to the body. It contains sufficient amount of omega 3 fatty acid, which is very effective for the heart system. The special form of fat in ghee reduces harmful cholesterol and keeps the heart strong. Ghee is beneficial for every class and age. Its use increases memory and logical ability. Mental diseases also stay away. Limited consumption of ghee keeps the digestive system healthy. Consumption of ghee transmits strength in the body. Massaging with desi ghee is beneficial and if one or two drops of it are put in the nose regularly, it will protect the nose from all diseases. It is also considered an antioxidant, due to which it fills the cracks of the skin. By maintaining moisture in the skin, it makes it soft and maintains its glow.

Excessive consumption can lead to weight gain

According to Singh, in this modern era, our physical activity has reduced considerably. Physical labor is also decreasing. That’s why consuming more ghee can cause problems for the body. By the way, the specialty of ghee is that if you eat/drink too much ghee, it will leave the body without being digested. This will create loosemotion. There is also a possibility of weight gain by eating more ghee. But if you are eating more ghee and also doing physical exercise, then it will make the muscles strong. Eating ghee in limited quantity is beneficial for the heart, but consuming it in excess can pose a risk to the heart.

Tags: food, Lifestyle

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